Knowledge is a booster! As Digital Marketer you need to add more reading materials into your collection as possible and you can go through them whenever you have some free time. There are plenty of free digital marketing PDF e-books to download available on the Internet. Here is the list of some of the best reading free eBooks available online. I will keep on adding the list with time, as I keep on researching good tutorials and books for our digital marketing readers and learners.
Big Book of Digital Marketing

It is a short book with 130 pages. The fonts and graphics have been used wisely for novice levels without losing interest for more advanced readers. Catchy and informative pictures are provided wherever necessary.
Authors: Unknown
Publisher: Digital Firefly Marketing
Pages: 130
Topics covered:
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Content Marketing
- Website Redesign
- Social Media Marketing(SMM)
Affiliate Marketing for beginners

It is medium-sized book. It has 164 pages. The topic is to nurture your skills.
Authors: Unknown
Publisher: eMarketing Institute
Page: 164
Points Covered:
- Affiliate Marketing Compensation Models
- Affiliate Marketing Strategies
- Affiliate Networks and software
- Affiliate Marketing Tools to Use
- Potential Issues with Affiliate Marketing, etc.
Blogging for beginners

It is the medium-sized book. It has 161 pages. The topic is to nurture your skills.
Authors: Unknown
Publisher: eMarketing Institute
Page: 161
Points Covered:
- Blogging Platforms
- Blogging Essentials
- Creating a Blogging Strategy
- Integrating Blogging into a Business Strategy
- The Benefits of Blogging
- Blogger Outreach and Guest Blogging
- Mistakes to Avoid When Blogging
- The Most Popular Tools for Bloggers, etc.
50 Shades of Digital Marketing

The name seems to be inspired by a famous Hollywood movie fifty shades of grey. But relax, the book has 50 chapters. The book has well-written, informative chapters regarding Digital Marketing. The book has collected different points of view from 50 different Digital Marketing experts.
Authors: Francesca James, Hannan Durham
Pages: 114
Understanding Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategies For Engaging the Digital Generation — 3rd edition

It is a medium-sized book with eleven chapters for any average reader. It focuses on different modules of Digital Marketing Strategies for engaging the digital generation. Hence, the learner can go for it and learn Digital Marketing Fundamentals as well as generating Marketing Strategies for businesses.
Authors: Damian Ryan
Publisher: Kogan Page
Pages: 433
A step-by-step Guide to Modern Digital Marketing

It is also a short booklet. Topics are covered in the power-point presentations with 27 pages. The use of PPT tools is beautiful. The digital marketing strategies covered are too good. You can count on the book for a quick revision as well as it is a quick read for beginners if they want to start with Digital Marketing for their projects.
Author: Suresh Babu
Publisher: Web Marketing Academy
Pages: 27
Digital Marketing Strategy

It is also a short book. It has 60 pages with interactive talk with him. The topic is to nurture your skills.
Authors: Sherman
Publisher: Lyfe Marketing
Page: 60
Points Covered:
- Building customer avatar
- Developing long term assets
- Short term strategies
- Lead nurturing
- Website hub, etc.
Understanding Digital Marketing can’t download
full book pdf link
Hi team,
Understanding digital marketing book has only 6 pages instead of 279 pages..
Sorry editing mistake here is full book pdf link
Nice post. It’s very well thought out and quite informative. Keep it up.
This is a really nice post. It’s very informative and well written. I’ll come back from time to time for more posts like this one.